Lesson 13: JavaFX StackPane Layout Tutorial
Lesson 13: JavaFX StackPane Layout Tutorial 1- StackPane Layout 2- StackPane example 3- Design StackPanel with Scene Builder 1- StackPane Layout StackPane is a container which can contain different interface components, subcomponents stacked up to others, and at a certain moment, you can only see the subcomponent lying on the top of Stack . These subcomponents which are newly added will lie on the top of Stack ? 1 2 3 // Add component to Stack. stackPane.getChildren().add(newChild); You can put a certain subcomponent in front of Stack via method named toFront() , or put the subcomponent in the bottom of Stack via method named toBack() . ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // All Child components of StackPane ObservableList<Node> childs = stackPane.getChildren(); if (childs.size() > 1 ) { // Top Component Node topNode = childs.get(chil...